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The original manual put out by Hammond of Chicago to help you understand how to set up your drawbars on Hammond Organs. Dealers would give his little book to everyone who purchased a B-3, C-3, A-100, M-3, or M-100. If you have a hard time understanding how to set up the drawbars on your Hammond organ this little manual could be a great help to you.
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We ask a small administrative fee of $1.50 to help pay for the maintenance of this service and site.
The original manual put out by Hammond of Chicago to help you understand how to set up your drawbars on Hammond Organs. If you have a hard time understanding how to set up the drawbars on your Hammond organ this little manual could be a great help to you. The beauty and genius behind the Hammond organ is it's harmonic drawbar system. Without a proper understanding of these drawbars you will never appreciate the beauty of the Vintage Hammond organ